Welcome to Cool Letters. Cool Letters for Codes, Names and more!
You will find how to write cool letters with the ALT keyboard input. Our chart will show you the various symbols you can create with alt input numerical codes.
This include Cool Letters with Accents, Foreign Characters, Currency and Math symbols and more!
Also find Myspace and MSN cool letters for your display names. Cool Letter fonts and alphabets!
Check out how to make the coolest and weirdest letters and symbols with alt codes. Ever wonder how people write stuff like ¿ or ± ? ALT codes is the trick that allows you to make cool weird foreign letter symbols.
We sourced some real cool funky and strange looking fonts we can call cool! All shapes and sizes, these cool fonts can be installed on any pc or mac and you can start typing your very own cool letters right away.
Ever wondered how people post really strange weird but cool looking letters and sentences on Myspace and msn ? Through a letter generator you too can create your own fancy cool letters. Simply type in anything and copy the output text to Myspace or msn and have some fun! Apart from Myspace and msn, you can use these cool translated letters on your website and blog too!
A page just for some real weird looking cool symbols done with alt input and other methods. You can copy these straight from the page and paste it where ever you want!. We are sure you will find these letters and strange symbols pretty cool!
An assortment of cool looking letters of the English Alphabet very very mashed up to resemble some pretty cool designs. Letters from A to Z which you can copy or print if you like. Enjoy!
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